a collection of memorabilia generated by the extraordinary artists, craftspeople, educators and students of North America's leading theatre for young people and families...
"A Wall" 1971. Sheila Stangler, Bridget McNellis, Ginny Swanson.
PLEASE BE ADVISED that co-founder and artistic director John Clark Donahue, as well as a number of staff and/or school faculty members of the theatre (actor/instructor Jason McLean, for one) have been convicted and/or charged with criminal and/or civil crimes of sexual abuse of minors. In winter of 2019, in civil court, the Children's Theatre Company was also found guilty of negligence in these matters which occurred during the time period of the 1970s and 1980s (and probably earlier). Consequently, please be aware that the images and links within this blog include the contributions and participation of certain minors who were victims/survivors/witnesses of sexual and emotional abuse and residual trauma, as well as certain adult perpetrators, enablers, and/or former victims.
Created and presented in summer of 1971 (offered in only nine performances over two weekends July 8 - 18), a new play for The Children's Theatre Company and School's adult and teenage audiences by John Clark Donahue and the Company, from a scenario for improvisation by Alvin Greenberg. "A Wall"-- a most astonishing theatrical event comprised of vignettes spanning time (from ancient Egypt to medieval Europe to present day), occurring along a wall "too high to see over and too wide to get around." Produced and directed by Donahue, with original music score by Hiram Titus. Scenic and properties design by Jack Barkla. Costume designs by Katherine Treon. Lighting design by Karlis Ozols.